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email me on kirstengould@yahoo.com

Friday 31 July 2009

A definite departure date

VSO confirmed my departure date as Sunday 6th September today, flying from Heathrow on the 1640 flight direct to Beijing. Hooray! Presumably they're also flying me from Edinburgh down to London on a connecting flight but I haven't been told about that yet.
Also today, I bought a Chinese dictionary which I'm very much looking forward to using - my Mandarin has hit a block these last few weeks and I seem to be making very little progress despite the excellent efforts of my teacher, Zhou Wei. I wonder if this blog will support Chinese and pinyin script? Only one way to find out...

下 个 九 月 我 去 中国

xià ge jiǔ yuè Zhōng guó

Which says (I think) In September, I'm going to China. :-)


  1. great that you're doing a blog- will follow it! Should have done the same for okinawa but I am soooooo lazy! good luck the preparations xxxxx

  2. The Mandarin is looking very impressive to me! It's all very exciting now that the flight's confirmed and everything is pretty much set up - although it's getting increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that you will actually be leaving soon and won't be around the next couple of years! Sob!

  3. Hi Cathy,
    Will try to remember to put a message on facebook every time I update my blog. I'm pretty obsessed with it at the moment and keep checking it every few hours to see if there's a comment. Sad, I know. I reckon I'll either end up writing loads while I'm away or nothing at all.
    Sweets, make the most of your last four weeks with me!! kxx

  4. I'm sure your Mandarin will pick up once you're actually in the country and having to use it daily. There's at least one kid that I know of in school who speaks Mandarin if you want to practise - sure you'll find it hard to keep away from the place before you go . . . ahem ;-)!
    Jan x

  5. Hmmm.... nice idea Jan, but I reckon I'd be more tempted to practice with the staff in the Chinese supermarket...
